Section: New Results

Processor Architecture

Participants : Pierre Michaud, Bharath Narasimha Swamy, Sylvain Collange, Erven Rohou, André Seznec, Arthur Perais, Surya Khizakanchery Natarajan, Sajith Kalathingal, Tao Sun, Andrea Mondelli, Aswinkumar Sridharan, Biswabandan Panda, Fernando Endo.

Processor, cache, locality, memory hierarchy, branch prediction, multicore, power, temperature

Multicore processors have now become mainstream for both general-purpose and embedded computing. Instead of working on improving the architecture of the next generation multicore, with the DAL project, we deliberately anticipate the next few generations of multicores. While multicores featuring 1000s of cores might become feasible around 2020, there are strong indications that sequential programming style will continue to be dominant. Even future mainstream parallel applications will exhibit large sequential sections. Amdahl's law indicates that high performance on these sequential sections is needed to enable overall high performance on the whole application. On many (most) applications, the effective performance of future computer systems using a 1000-core processor chip will significantly depend on their performance on both sequential code sections and single threads.

We envision that, around 2020, the processor chips will feature a few complex cores and many (maybe 1000's) simpler, more silicon and power effective cores.

In the DAL research project, https://team.inria.fr/alf/members/andre-seznec/defying-amdahls-law-dal/ , we explore the microarchitecture techniques that will be needed to enable high performance on such heterogeneous processor chips. Very high performance will be required on both sequential sections, -legacy sequential codes, sequential sections of parallel applications-, and critical threads on parallel applications, -e.g. the main thread controlling the application. Our research focuses essentially on enhancing single process performance.


Branch prediction

Participant : André Seznec.

This research was done in collaboration with Joshua San Miguel and Jorge Albericio from University of Toronto

The most efficient branch predictors proposed in academic literature exploit both global branch history and local branch history. However, local history branch predictor components introduce major design challenges, particularly for the management of speculative histories. Therefore, most effective hardware designs use only global history components and very limited forms of local histories such as a loop predictor. The wormhole (WH) branch predictor was recently introduced to exploit branch outcome correlation in multidimensional loops. For some branches encapsulated in a multidimensional loop, their outcomes are correlated with those of the same branch in neighbor iterations, but in the previous outer loop iteration. Unfortunately, the practical implementation of the WH predictor is even more challenging than the implementation of local history predictors.

In [36] , we introduce practical predictor components to exploit this branch outcome correlation in multidimensional loops: the IMLI-based predictor components. The iteration index of the inner most loop in an application can be efficiently monitored at instruction fetch time using the Inner Most Loop Iteration (IMLI) counter. The outcomes of some branches are strongly correlated with the value of this IMLI counter. A single PC+IMLI counter indexed table, the IMLI-SIC table, added to a neural component of any recent predictor (TAGE-based or perceptron-inspired) captures this correlation. Moreover, using the IMLI counter, one can efficiently manage the very long local histories of branches that are targeted by the WH predictor. A second IMLI-based component, IMLI-OH, allows for tracking the same set of hard-to-predict branches as WH. Managing the speculative states of the IMLI-based predictor components is quite simple. Our experiments show that augmenting a state-of-the-art global history predictor with IMLI components outperforms previous state-of-the-art academic predictors leveraging local and global history at much lower hardware complexity (i.e., smaller storage budget , smaller number of tables and simpler management of speculative states).

Revisiting Value Prediction

Participants : Arthur Perais, André Seznec.

Value prediction was proposed in the mid 90's to enhance the performance of high-end microprocessors. The research on Value Prediction techniques almost vanished in the early 2000's as it was more effective to increase the number of cores than to dedicate some silicon area to Value Prediction. However high end processor chips currently feature 8-16 high-end cores and the technology will allow to implement 50-100 of such cores on a single die in a foreseeable future. Amdahl's law suggests that the performance of most workloads will not scale to that level. Therefore, dedicating more silicon area to value prediction in high-end cores might be considered as worthwhile for future multicores.

At a first step, we showed that all predictors are amenable to very high accuracy at the cost of some loss on prediction coverage [7] . This greatly diminishes the number of value mispredictions and allows to delay validation until commit-time. As such, no complexity is added in the out-of-order engine because of VP (save for ports on the register file) and pipeline squashing at commit-time can be used to recover.

This allows to leverage the possibility of validating predictions at commit to introduce a new microarchitecture, EOLE [19] . EOLE features Early Execution to execute simple instructions whose operands are ready in parallel with Rename and Late Execution to execute simple predicted instructions and high confidence branches just before Commit. EOLE depends on Value Prediction to provide operands for Early Execution and predicted instructions for Late Execution. However, Value Prediction requires EOLE to become truly practical. That is, EOLE allows to reduce the out-of-order issue-width by 33% without impeding performance. As such, the number of ports on the register file diminishes. Furthermore, optimizations of the register file such as banking further reduce the number of required ports. Overall EOLE possesses a register file whose complexity is on-par with that of a regular wider-issue superscalar while the out-of-order components (scheduler, bypass) are greatly simplified. Moreover, thanks to Value Prediction, speedup is obtained on many benchmarks of the SPEC'00/'06 suite.

However complexity in the value predictor infrastructure itself is also problematic. First, multiple predictions must be generated each cycle, but multi-ported structures should be avoided. Second, the predictor should be small enough to be considered for implementation, yet coverage must remain high enough to increase performance. In [32] , to address these remaining concerns, we first propose a block-based value prediction scheme mimicking current instruction fetch mechanisms, BeBoP. It associates the predicted values with a fetch block rather than distinct instructions. Second, to remedy the storage issue, we present the Differential VTAGE predictor. This new tightly coupled hybrid predictor covers instructions predictable by both VTAGE and Stride-based value predictors, and its hardware cost and complexity can be made similar to those of a modern branch predictor. Third, we show that block-based value prediction allows to implement the checkpointing mechanism needed to provide D-VTAGE with last computed/predicted values at moderate cost. Overall, we establish that EOLE with a 32.8KB block-based D-VTAGE predictor and a 4-issue OoO engine can significantly outperform a baseline 6-issue superscalar processor, by up to 62.2 % and 11.2 % on average (gmean), on our benchmark set.

The overall study on value prediction is presented in Arthur Perais's PhD [14] .

Cost-Effective Speculative Scheduling in High Performance Processors

Participants : André Seznec, Arthur Perais, Pierre Michaud.

This study was done in collaboration with Andreas Sembrant and Erik Hagersten from Upsala University

To maximize performance, out-of-order execution processors sometimes issue instructions without having the guarantee that operands will be available in time; e.g. loads are typically assumed to hit in the L1 cache and dependent instructions are issued assuming a L1 hit. This form of speculation ?that we refer to as speculative scheduling? has been used for two decades in real processors, but has received little attention from the research community. In particular, as pipeline depth grows and the distance between the Issue and the Execute stages increases, it becomes critical to issue dependents on variable-latency instructions as soon as possible, rather than to wait for the actual cycle at which the result becomes available. Unfortunately, due to the uncertain nature of speculative scheduling, the scheduler may wrongly issue an instruction that will not have its source(s) on the bypass network when it reaches the Execute stage. Therefore, this instruction must be canceled and replayed, which can potentially impair performance and increase energy consumption.

In [31] we focus on ways to reduce the number of replays that are agnostic of the replay scheme. First, we propose an easily implementable, low-cost solution to reduce the number of replays caused by L1 bank conflicts. Schedule Shifting always assumes that, given a dual-load issue capacity, the second load issued in a given cycle will be delayed because of a bank conflict. Its dependents are thus always issued with a corresponding delay. Second, we also improve on existing L1 hit/miss prediction schemes by taking into account instruction criticality. That is, for some criterion of criticality and for loads whose hit/miss behavior is hard to predict, we show that it is more cost-effective to stall dependents if the load is not predicted critical. In total, in our experiments assuming a 4-cycle issue-to-execute delay, we found that the vast majority of instructions replays due to L1 data cache banks conflicts and L1 hit mispredictions can be avoided, thus leading to a 3.4% performance gain and a 13.4% decrease in the number of issued instructions, over a baseline speculative scheduling scheme.

Criticality-aware Resource Allocation in OOO Processors

Participants : André Seznec, Arthur Perais, Pierre Michaud.

This study was done in collaboration with Andreas Sembrant, Erik Hagersten, David Black-Schaffer and Trevor Carlson from Upsala University.

Modern processors employ large structures (IQ, LSQ, register file, etc.) to expose instruction-level parallelism (ILP) and memory-level parallelism (MLP). These resources are typically allocated to instructions in program order. This wastes resources by allocating resources to instructions that are not yet ready to be executed and by eagerly allocating resources to instructions that are not part of the application's critical path. In [35] , we explore the possibility of allocating pipeline resources only when needed to expose MLP, and thereby enabling a processor design with significantly smaller structures, without sacrificing performance. First we identify the classes of instructions that should not reserve resources in program order and evaluate the potential performance gains we could achieve by delaying their allocations. We then use this information to "park" such instructions in a simpler, and therefore more efficient, Long Term Parking (LTP) structure. The LTP stores instructions until they are ready to execute, without allocating pipeline resources, and thereby keeps the pipeline available for instructions that can generate further MLP. LTP can accurately and rapidly identify which instructions to park, park them before they execute, wake them when needed to preserve performance, and do so using a simple queue instead of a complex IQ. We show that even a very simple queue-based LTP design allows us to significantly reduce IQ (64 32) and register file (128 96) sizes while retaining MLP performance and improving energy efficiency.

Efficient Execution on Guarded Instruction Sets

Participant : André Seznec.

ARM ISA based processors are no longer low complexity processors. Nowadays, ARM ISA based processor manufacturers are struggling to implement medium-end to high-end processor cores which implies implementing a state-of-the-art out-of-order execution engine. Unfortunately providing efficient out-of-order execution on legacy ARM codes may be quite challenging due to guarded instructions.

Predicting the guarded instructions addresses the main serialization impact associated with guarded instructions execution and the multiple definition problem. Moreover, guard prediction allows to use a global branch-and-guard history predictor to predict both branches and guards, often improving branch prediction accuracy. Unfortunately such a global branch-and-guard history predictor requires the systematic use of guard predictions. In that case, poor guard prediction accuracy would lead to poor overall performance on some applications.

Building on top of recent advances in branch prediction and confidence estimation, we propose a hybrid branch and guard predictor, combining a global branch history component and global branch-and-guard history component. The potential gain or loss due to the systematic use of guard prediction is dynamically evaluated at run-time. Two computing modes are enabled: systematic guard prediction and high confidence only guard prediction. Our experiments show that on most applications, an overwhelming majority of guarded instructions are predicted. Therefore a relatively inefficient but simple hardware solution can be used to execute the few unpredicted guarded instructions. Significant performance benefits are observed on most applications while applications with poorly predictable guards do not suffer from performance loss [8] .

This study was accepted to ACM Transactions on Architecture and Compiler Optimizations (Dec. 2014) and presented at the HIPEAC conference in January 2015.

Clustered microarchitecture

Participants : Andrea Mondelli, Pierre Michaud, André Seznec.

In the last 10 years, the clock frequency of high-end superscalar processors did not increase significantly. Performance keeps being increased mainly by integrating more cores on the same chip and by introducing new instruction set extensions. However, this benefits only to some applications and requires rewriting and/or recompiling these applications. A more general way to increase performance is to increase the IPC, the number of instructions executed per cycle.

In [18] , we argue that some of the benefits of technology scaling should be used to increase the IPC of future superscalar cores. Starting from microarchitecture parameters similar to recent commercial high-end cores, we show that an effective way to increase the IPC is to increase the issue width. But this must be done without impacting the clock cycle. We propose to combine two known techniques: clustering and register write specialization. The objective of past work on clustered microarchitecture was to allow a higher clock frequency while minimizing the IPC loss. This led researchers to consider narrow-issue clusters. Our objective, instead, is to increase the IPC without impacting the clock cycle, which means wide-issue clusters. We show that, on a wide-issue dual cluster, a very simple steering policy that sends 64 consecutive instructions to the same cluster, the next 64 instructions to the other cluster, and so on, permits tolerating an inter-cluster delay of several cycles. We also propose a method for decreasing the energy cost of sending results of one cluster to the other cluster.

Adaptive Intelligent Memory Systems

Participants : André Seznec, Aswinkumar Sridharan.

Multi-core processors employ shared Last Level Caches (LLC). This trend will continue in the future with large multi-core processors (16 cores and beyond) as well. At the same time, the associativity of this LLC tends to remain in the order of sixteen. Consequently, with large multicore processors, the number of cores that share the LLC becomes larger than the associativity of the cache itself. LLC management policies have been extensively studied for small scale multi-cores (4 to 8 cores) and associativity degree in the 16 range. However, the impact of LLC management on large multi-cores is essentially unknown, in particular when the associativity degree is smaller than the number of cores.

In [43] , we introduce Adaptive Discrete and deprioritized Application PrioriTization (ADAPT), an LLC management policy addressing the large multi-cores where the LLC associativity degree is smaller than the number of cores. ADAPT builds on the use of the Footprint-number metric. Footprint-number is defined as the number of unique accesses (block addresses) that an application generates to a cache set in an interval of time. We propose a monitoring mechanism that dynamically samples cache sets to estimate the Footprint-number of applications and classifies them into discrete (distinct and more than two) priority buckets. The cache replacement policy leverages this classification and assigns priorities to cache lines of applications during cache replacement operations. Footprint-number is computed periodically to account the dynamic changes in applications behavior. We further find that de- prioritizing certain applications during cache replacement is beneficial to the overall performance. We evaluate our proposal on 16, 20 and 24-core multi-programmed workloads and discuss other aspects in detail.

[43] has been accepted for publication at the IPDPS 2016 conference.

Hardware data prefetching

Participant : Pierre Michaud.

Hardware prefetching is an important feature of modern high-performance processors. When an application's working set is too large to fit in on-chip caches, disabling hardware prefetchers may result in severe performance reduction. We propose a new hardware data prefetcher, the Best-Offset (BO) prefetcher. The BO prefetcher is an offset prefetcher using a new method for selecting the best prefetch offset taking into account prefetch timeliness. The hardware required for implementing the BO prefetcher is very simple. The BO prefetcher won the last Data Prefetching Championship [27] .

A paper describing and studying the BO prefetcher has been accepted for publication at the HPCA 2016 conference.

Prediction-based superpage-friendly TLB designs

Participant : André Seznec.

This research was done in collaboration with Misel-Myrto Papadopoulou, Xin Tong and Andreas Moshovos from University of Toronto

In [30] , we demonstrate that a set of commercial and scale-out applications exhibit significant use of superpages and thus suffer from the fixed and small superpage TLB structures of some modern core designs. Other processors better cope with superpages at the expense of using power-hungry and slow fully-associative TLBs. We consider alternate designs that allow all pages to freely share a single, power-efficient and fast set-associative TLB. We propose a prediction-guided multi-grain TLB design that uses a superpage prediction mechanism to avoid multiple lookups in the common case. In addition, we evaluate the previously proposed skewed TLB which builds on principles similar to those used in skewed associative caches . We enhance the original skewed TLB design by using page size prediction to increase its effective associativity. Our prediction-based multi-grain TLB design delivers more hits and is more power efficient than existing alternatives. The predictor uses a 32-byte prediction table indexed by base register values.

Microarchitecture Performance Modeling

Symbiotic scheduling on SMT cores and symmetric multicores

Participant : Pierre Michaud.

This research was done in collaboration with Stijn Eyerman and Wouter Rogiest from Ghent University.

When several independent tasks execute concurrently on a simultaneous multithreaded (SMT) core or on a multicore, they share hardware resources. Hence the execution rate of a task is influenced by the other tasks running at the same time. Based on this observation, Snavely and Tullsen proposed symbiotic scheduling, i.e., the idea that performance can be increased by co-scheduling tasks that do not stress the same shared resources [63] . They claim that, when the number of concurrent tasks exceeds the number of logical cores, symbiotic scheduling increases performance substantially. A more recent study by Eyerman and Eeckhout reached similar conclusions [54] .

We have revisited symbiotic scheduling for SMT cores and symmetric multicores [22] , and we obtained very modest throughput gains, which seemingly contradicts the above mentioned studies. We analyzed the reasons for this discrepancy and found that previous studies did not measure throughput but average response time. Response time reductions can be magnified by setting the job arrival rate very close to the maximum throughput, which turns a tiny throughput increase into a large response time reduction. Also, the proposed scheduling policies are approximately equivalent to scheduling the shortest jobs first, which mechanically reduces the average response time independently of any symbiosis effect.

We identified three typical situations where symbiotic scheduling yields little to no throughput gain: (1) most of the time is spent executing a single type of job, or (2) jobs' execution rates barely depend on which other jobs are running concurrently, or (3) jobs' execution rates are proportional to the fraction they get of a certain shared resource (e.g., instruction decode bandwidth in an SMT core). In our experiments, most workloads were close to one of the three situations above.

Modeling multi-threaded programs execution time in the many-core era

Participants : Surya Khizakanchery Natarajan, Bharath Narasimha Swamy, André Seznec.

Estimating the potential performance of parallel applications on the yet-to-be-designed future many cores is very speculative. The simple models proposed by Amdahl's law (fixed input problem size) or Gustafson's law (fixed number of cores) do not completely capture the scaling behaviour of a multi-threaded (MT) application leading to over estimation of performance in the many-core era. On the other hand, modeling many-core by simulation is too slow to study the applications performance. In [28] , [13] , we propose a more refined but still tractable, high level empirical performance model for multi-threaded applications, the Serial/Parallel Scaling (SPS) Model to study the scalability and performance of application in many-core era. SPS model learns the application behavior on a given architecture and provides realistic estimates of the performance in future many-cores. Considering both input problem size and the number of cores in modeling, SPS model can help in making high level decisions on the design choice of future many-core applications and architecture. We validate the model on the Many-Integrated Cores (MIC) xeon-phi with 240 logical cores.

Optimal cache replacement

Participant : Pierre Michaud.

This research was done in collaboration with Mun-Kyu Lee, Jeong Seop Sim and DaeHun Nyang from Inha University.

The replacement policy for a cache is the algorithm, implemented in hardware, selecting a block to evict for making room for an incoming block. This research topic has been revitalized in recent years. The MIN replacement policy, which evicts the block referenced furthest in the future, was introduced by Belady [51] and was later shown to be optimal by Mattson et al. [60] . The MIN policy is an offline policy that cannot be implemented in real processors, as it needs the knowledge of future memory accesses. Still, a possible way to improve online replacement policies would be to emulate the MIN policy, trying to use past references to predict future ones. However, the MIN policy is not intuitive, and Mattson et al.'s proof of optimality is quite involved. We believe that new intuition about the MIN policy will help microarchitects improve cache replacement policies. As a first step toward this goal, we produced a new, intuitive proof of optimality of the MIN policy [17] .

Hardware/Software Approaches

Helper threads

Participants : Bharath Narasimha Swamy, André Seznec.

Heterogeneous Many Cores (HMC) architectures that mix many simple/small cores with a few complex/large cores are emerging as a design alternative that can provide both fast sequential performance for single threaded workloads and power-efficient execution for throughput oriented parallel workloads. The availability of many small cores in a HMC presents an opportunity to utilize them as low-power helper cores to accelerate memory-intensive sequential programs mapped to a large core. However, the latency overhead of accessing small cores in a loosely coupled system limits their utility as helper cores. Also, it is not clear if small cores can execute helper threads sufficiently in advance to benefit applications running on a larger, much powerful, core.

In [12] we present a hardware/software framework called core-tethering to support efficient helper threading on heterogeneous many-cores. Core-tethering provides a co-processor like interface to the small cores that (a) enables a large core to directly initiate and control helper execution on the helper core and (b) allows efficient transfer of execution context between the cores, thereby reducing the performance overhead of accessing small cores for helper execution. Our evaluation on a set of memory intensive programs chosen from the standard benchmark suites show that, helper threads using moderately sized small cores can significantly accelerate a larger core compared to using a hardware prefetcher alone. We also find that a small core provides a good trade-off against using an equivalent large core to run helper threads in a HMC.

In summary, despite the latency overheads of accessing prefetched cache lines from the shared L3 cache, helper thread based prefetching on small cores looks as a promising way to improve single thread performance on memory intensive workloads in HMC architectures.

This research was partially done in collaboration with Alain Ketterlin from the Inria Camus project-team in Strasbourg.

Branch Prediction and Performance of Interpreter

Participants : Erven Rohou, André Seznec, Bharath Narasimha Swamy.

Interpreters have been used in many contexts. They provide portability and ease of development at the expense of performance. The literature of the past decade covers analysis of why interpreters are slow, and many software techniques to improve them. A large proportion of these works focuses on the dispatch loop, and in particular on the implementation of the switch statement: typically an indirect branch instruction. Folklore attributes a significant penalty to this branch, due to its high misprediction rate. In [34] , we revisit this assumption, considering state-of-the-art branch predictors and the three most recent Intel processor generations on current interpreters. Using both hardware counters on Haswell, the latest Intel processor generation, and simulation of the ITTAGE predictor [10] , we show that the accuracy of indirect branch prediction is no longer critical for interpreters. We further compare the characteristics of these interpreters and analyze why the indirect branch is less important than before.

Augmenting superscalar architecture for efficient many-thread parallel execution

Participants : Sylvain Collange, André Seznec, Sajith Kalathingal.

Threads of Single-Program Multiple-Data (SPMD) applications often exhibit very similar control flows, i.e. they execute the same instructions on different data. In [42] we propose the Dynamic Inter-Thread Vectorization Architecture (DITVA) to leverage this implicit Data Level Parallelism on SPMD applications to create dynamic vector instructions at runtime. DITVA extends an in-order SMT processor with SIMD units with an inter-thread vectorization execution mode. In this mode, identical instructions of several threads running in lockstep are aggregated into a single SIMD instruction. DITVA leverages existing SIMD units and maintains binary compatibility with existing CPU architectures. To balance TLP and DLP, threads are statically grouped into fixed-size warps, inside which threads run in lockstep. At instruction fetch time, if the instruction streams of several threads within a warp are synchronized, then DITVA aggregates the instructions of the threads as dynamic vectors. To maximize vectorization opportunities, we use resource sharing arbitration policies that favor thread synchronization within warps. The policies do not require any compiler hints or modified algorithms for the existing SPMD applications and allow to run unmodified CPU binaries. A dynamic vector instruction is executed as a single unit. This allows to execute m identical instructions from m different threads on m parallel execution lanes while activating the I-fetch, the decode, and the overall pipeline control only once.

Our evaluation on the SPMD applications from the PARSEC and SPLASH benchmarks shows that a 4-warp 4-lane 4-issue DITVA architecture with a realistic bank-interleaved cache achieves 44% higher performance than a 4-thread 4-issue SMT architecture with AVX instructions while fetching and issuing 40 % fewer instrructions, achieving an overall 22% energy reduction.